We are living and dying, simultaneously. 最后Ram Dass出現了呢
James Dean敏感而憂郁叛逆的少年一個時代的印記熒幕形象好立體演技也渾然天成讓人愈發覺得可惜 “I’ve been jealous all my life. Jealous, I couldn’t even stand it. Tonight, I even tried to buy your love. But now I don’t want it anymore. I can’t use it anymore. I don’t want any kind of love anymore. It doesn’t pay off.” 如果劇情停在這里感覺會更好森泽佳奈电影在线观看cc影院有些故事沒必要非走向和解 把電影的紀錄片翻出來看了原著作者在寫自己導演在拍自己演員在演自己如何會差